In advance of next week’s Amber weather warning, please be aware of our ‘Sun Safe policy’: 

Sun Safe policy

Blue Windmill Nursery aims to protect all children in their care, during extreme heat we will endeavour to:

  • Reduce vigorous physical activities and games
  • Encourage children to play in shady areas of the garden
  • Outdoor play will be restricted – remaining indoors between 10.45am-4.00pm
  • Provide children with plenty of water to drink throughout the session
  • Open windows to allow ventilation of playrooms
  • Limit direct sunshine through windows where possible
  • Make effective use of the air conditioning in the building
  • Use the fixed oscillating fans to create movement of air
  • Follow any specific advice given by local authority/government


We ask that parents/carers

  • Ensure children have sun screen applied before they arrive at Nursery
  • Provide sunscreen for staff to re-apply when necessary during the session
  • Dress children in lightweight, loose clothing – preferably covering shoulders, arms and legs
  • Provide a sun hat


More information on enjoying the sun safely can be viewed on our Newsletters & Notices page

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