The Soil Association has developed awards criteria around the core ethos of providing healthy, tasty and nutritious food There are several different categories of award across a variety of catering scenarios.  (Find out more about the awards at: )

Our Food for Life Award

Nursery completed the Early Years Food for Life award in 2017 – the first nursery in Rugby to gain the award – we are proud to be able to demonstrate that we provide healthy meals and snacks at Nursery.

We grow some produce (see photos below) for use in our menu dishes; we  are very careful to restrict the sugar/salt content in our menu; the quantity of processed foods is limited – we aim to make as much as possible in our kitchen.  We also have regard for food sustainability, food provenance and animal welfare.

The children are involved in gardening activities and are able to participate in planting, nurturing and harvesting fruits, flowers and vegetables. A recent development from our FFL project is the addition of pet ducks; the ducks roam our garden during the day and we hope that when they are old enough to lay eggs we will be able to incorporate these into the menu.   We have information about the Nursery’s ongoing FFL activities on our Nursery Food for Life Facebook page.

Here is some of our recently harvested produce:



The children in Baby Room harvested these potatoes:



October 2021







World Food Day – 16th October 2020 – a Food for Life event which will round off our week’s menu of international dishes.  Unfortunately, due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot invite parents to join us to eat, however please send in details of your favourite traditional meal ( with recipe ) to be considered for our future Nursery menus.

Recipes and ideas to


The Big Banger: 5th November 2019 – Parents / carers invited to join their children for lunch. (advance booking required)

ROAST DINNER DAY EVENT:  on Wednesday 14th November 2018 we are having a celebratory roast dinner.  Parents/carers are invited to join their child at nursery for lunch.  Please book (before 9th November) at the Nursery office if you wish to come along.