Early Years Foundation Stage is the framework by which we work

In 2008 The Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) framework was introduced by the government. It brought together three key early years documents; The National Standards for Day Care, The Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage and Early Years Foundation Stage.

The Early Years Foundation Stage has since been reviewed and revised, most recently in 2017. There are seven areas of learning and development, divided into two distinct sections:

The PRIME AREAS of development:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

‘The purpose of the EYFS is to give every child the best start in life because it is firmly recognized how much early years experiences impact on children’s future chances’ (Langston (2007))

The EYFS recognizes a distinct stage for children from Birth to Five Years, and does not segregate care and learning.  Children are encouraged to investigate independently their own interests, and access resources to support their learning.  Their play and exploration may be child or adult initiated, led or supported.  Activities and experiences provided by the staff team are based on their knowledge about what children already know and can do.

How do we assess your child?

Our practitioners will observe your child in the following ways

  • Sharing conversations with your child
  • Assessing work through adult led activities
  • Sharing information with other practitioners
  • Snapshot observations: visual or verbal.
  • Practitioners will also ask parents/carers for information about the child

This information is recorded in the child’s learning Journal and is available for you to review upon request.

Transfer Profile

When your child transfers to their primary school or to another setting our staff will complete a transfer profile, detailing your child’s progress and achievements to date.  This profile will be shared with you and will be used as an assessment tool to inform planning at the start of your child’s Reception year.

How do we feedback to parent(s)?

On a daily basis your child’s key person will share with you both verbal and/or written information about your child’s day, including dietary information, toileting, and restful periods.  Periodically throughout the year you will be invited to attend parent(s) evenings, where you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning experiences and achievements within the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.

How can you help?

You can help by sharing information about your child:  their interests, routines, and personality traits.  This will help our staff to plan appropriate activities and experiences for your child to capture their interests, catch their imagination and fire their enthusiasm to learn.

For more information or to arrange a visit, please get in touch.